I just had one of my students admitted to an inpatient treatment facility because of an eating disorder.
So I sit here and ponder... How many others are out there consumed with the idea of NOT being FAT?
How many girls and boys are worried about how they look? How many people hate their bodies? How many others are out there hating themselves? How many????
So as I sit here, I get angry, sometimes frustrated, sad, but mostly very angry. I get very angry because I worry that my girls will also be victims of this ideology.
And then you hear about people like Michael Jeffries......---------------------------------->>>
Perhaps his way of thinking is just business, a marketing strategy, which has enable him to be a very successful businessman. So does that make it OK? I don't think so!!!! Nonetheless, he does illustrate how our society views people. If you are not pretty or skinny, you are not worth it! You are not cool! You are not happy! And nobody wants to be with you!!!!!
So, how do we see ourselves? Well..... we for sure don't want to be fat, right? Which means more people with low self-esteem, more people with depression, and more people with eating disorders and so on.....
How can we accept ourselves when everyone else is saying that you are not worth it? How can we accept our bodies? How can we stop this mentality to achieve a perfection that does not exist? How can I help my student understand that there is nothing wrong with her body, and that her weight should not matter, when the world is telling her that it does?
How can I protect my girls from this societal pressure for the perfect body?????
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