Why are we so evil? Why is our specie so capable of acts of hatred and destruction?
Nobody is born evil, nobody is born hating, nobody is born bad, nobody is born afraid...... So, the only other explanation I can think of is the influence of our environment, our experiences, our culture, our society.
Shouldn't we then stop and think of what is it that we are teaching, but most importantly, what are we learning?
Do we learn tolerance or discrimination? Do we learn civility or selfishness? Who are the role models in our society and what are they teaching? So many questions, with very tough answers or none at all.
It saddens me to see so much suffering and hatred towards one another. Yes, we are different, we are diverse, but we are also the SAME. We are all people who need other people to live. We may have different language, or culture, or religion, but we are still people who need other people to live!
If we keep going at this rate, we are going to make ourselves extinct. Human kindness, innocence, hope, love...... will it be there? Why is it so hard to extend our hand to help others? Why does it seem so easy to hate and hurt????
I don't know the answers to any of these questions, and I just wish that we could all be more accepting and tolerant of our differences, because when you really look at it.... we are all the same.
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