And I say it again, "are you serious?" I keep trying to understand why these things seem to be happening more and more often. I want to find someone to blame! I want to blame someone!!!! Maybe if we can find who is responsible for this, then we can try to solve it, maybe even stop it from happening again.
But who is to blame? What is to blame? I don't know, I don't have the answers. I just have more questions. Right now all I can think much pain can a person endure before they break down?
What I am trying to say is that; nobody wakes up one morning and decide to go kill people...... Something must have happened, something must have triggered that anger! Perhaps the only way out of their crappy situation was to do these horrible acts of violence. For example: a suicidal individual usually sees ending his/her life as the only way to end their suffering. I'm sure there are better ways to resolve the situation, but for them, death is the only answer.
So, when I heard of the shooting at the Santa Monica College yesterday, I pondered...... What makes someone do that? how much pain and suffering was he feeling, to think that taking lives was the only solution? How lonely was he when he made that decision? And to me the most important question of all: for how long was he suffering alone before sharing the pain with his rifle?
So as I sit here drenched in sorrow for those who lost loved ones, I am also devastated that we didn't do a better job at landing a hand to those who needed help, when they needed help.
What is the future going to be like? Are parents still teaching compassion, love, tolerance, respect to their children? Is society teaching it's citizen that we should work together to the betterment of all of us? I want to save the world, I want to make the world a better place for my kids, for me, for US.... But it is just me against billions.